
I have not been slain! Hahahaha! My devious plan is well underway, if you must know. I have already arranged a time and place with my two true loves. I'm not going to tell you when it is! Absolutely not! I swore that I wouldn't tell you that it's tomorrow at 10 am when Sulin's in school. So there! Try to wring it out of me.
If Sulin comes back half-way, Fitzie has already agreed to blast her with an uzi.
If she doesn't die, Greenie will run her through with a sword.
Ah! What men will do for the women they love!
And if she still doesn't die, I'll give her a Milo and tell her to go away.
Btw, Greenie tells me how much he hates the name Peepiceek, which the Tyrant foisted upon him. He thinks it makes him sound like some kind of toilet deodorant.

Lots of Love,
Dorinda the White Mouse

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