
the offices of the royal order of cult historians
the citadel on the stump
the cult of von

for the past week and a half, the forces of good (us) and the forces of evil (them) have waged a pitched battle, a choreographed progression to ultimate doom. the historians of the cult have named this dance with death the APOCALYPSO.

the historians, for the sake of the public good, have decided to release this summary of the conflict to date:

1) the SUPREME BEING, his powers raised by the prophesied rising of the 'SHROOM reigns supreme in the land. his name and cult shall last thrice twice ten thousand years and more.

2) dorinda, false queen and the three green wights have forged an evil alliance, tempered in the waters of hell. the unholy foursome is condemned to woodworm and mildew of the most severe variety.

3) crabby buggers like the anonymous have tendered indictments of the internecine religious conflict cum slugfest. they are to be ignored and consigned to the darkness where there is a wailing and a gnashing of teeth.

the full events of the war may be found in the book "mass consumption of assorted stationery during the time of the Apocalypso: the relentless gyration towards ultimate catastrophe" published by Cult Books.

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