
a clarification is in order here:

the SHROOM is subject to no-one and nothing, and certainly a not some upstart self-styled megalomaniac supreme being.

the SHROOM is entirely secular -- it is here to purify the sullied and corrupted earth by spreading its fungal blessings

(however, donations to the worthy cause of the SHROOM are always welcome)


the SHROOM is doubtless ignorant of prophecy 16521 of the Grand High Book of the Cult of Von. i quote: "and unto the earth by rodents defiled will come an object dead yet alive, and yea and verily will the SUPREME BEING be worshipped too by the object's worshippers, the object being an undeniable subject of the SUPREME BEING..." the prophecy continues to list the ways in which the object, obviously the SHROOM, can be subservient and bend itself to the will of the SUPREME BEING.

The Grand High Priest
The Cult of Von

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