Choon Ping:

I am immensely saddened by the violence I see, not in actions perhaps, but words bespeaking belligerence that could very be articulated by agents other than the voice.

To Queen Dorinda I owe allegiance, though I do it as much shame in my abjectness as Lord Poofus does it honour, but I do not repudiate the ascension of the Supreme Being. Each may establish his or her own balliwick. Such are the precepts of peace conferred upon my lowly self in my years in the brotherhood, too humble to be named yet noble enough to be expounded. I am now itinerant, to improve upon my own meditations as well as disseminate the truth, and have acwuired for myself a modest following. Therefore I presume to proclaim - PEACE! My heart is impaled by the vision of carnage and self-aggradisement, spears my eyes in betrayal admits to the inner sanctum of ny being. Peace, I preach. Permit me but a few turns of the Sun to gather the writings I have brought with me upon my travel from the brotherhood, to cull from it select words of wisdom. Till when, may my breast trade the peace therein with the pain in your mighty hearts, for surely that is the bitter wellspring of discontent.
I am Ordained
Order of the Mud-Brown Robes

By the way, Lord Poofus, is the job for Grand Inquisitor still vacant?


Arch-chancellor Poofus
On Behalf of the Dread Queen of Mystical Mysteries, Keeper of the One True Faith, Abider of the Ancien Regime, Dark Mistress of the Night, Lone Enchantress of the Forbidden Secrets, and others

Two possible candidates for the post of Grand Inquisitor:

Monsieur Choon Ping the French Marquis
Lord Elminster of Severious

Please state your credentials to facilitate the final choice of the successful applicant.

P.S. there is a good book entitled "Torture" in the library. It can be found on the shelf labelled "Economics"

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