
More Heretics???? Where has the One True Faith failed??!?! Why are there heretics all around?? I'd give up all my kingdoms and powers, rather than be a ruler of heretics!!!


Vacancy for post of Grand Inquisitor.


A' levels in Torture, Murder and Mayhem
(S paper in 10001 Wonderful Ways to Die a plus)
Ability to use new hardware such as

1) The Enhanced Iron Maiden
2) Dual Eye-gouger
3)Electric Thumbscrews
4) Psychic Destabilizers
5) Tape of Chinese Lesson set on non-stop play
6) Mrs Rollins Version 1.2
7) The Abominizer

Must have good interpersonal skills to relate with tortured souls.
Must not be afraid of spiders, rats, scorpions and other animals.

All interested applicants, please contact the Arch-chancellor Poofus at 1800-IH8U.

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