
Arch-chancellor Poofus, on behalf of Her Most Imperial Majesty Dorinda WM

You babble with great inconsequentiality.

Her majesty would like to declare invalid all claims of supernatural mushrooms, false prophets and other unnatural phenomenon. A Magic Mushroom?? Geez! A prophet who lives on a tree stump? Gimme a break, man! If there should be false gods, at least let them be credible! Very soon all these mindless heretics will begin worshipping a comet, which will take them to a Higher Plane of Existence or something.

In the spirit of compassion, unlike the vengeful and vindictive Encylopaedia Salesman, her Majesty offers amnesty to all those who would return to the all-embracing fold of the One True Faith (OTF). All past sins will be forgiven (refer to Edict on Heresy for details) for a small fee. Belief in fungi of any sort cannot be condoned. In case you are thinking of asking, broccoli is a big no-no as well. Attempts to nuke civilisation into oblivion are frowned upon as disruptive. Please refrain from such anti-social acts. However, Her Majesty is impressed with the self-styled President's tenacity and flair for resolving disputes in peaceable and efficient manners. She offers him the post of Grand Inquisitor, to lead the Holy War against heretics of the land. Her Majesty would also like to proclaim the Beatification of Greenie (aka Peepiceek). To attain Sainthhood, a miracle must be attributed to Greenie's divine intercession.


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