
Dear Everybody,

Hi! After my extremely long mailing hiatus, I have returned! I'm sure you've all enjoyed the correspondence with the intelligent members of my delightful harem.

I read with great distress the proliferation of anti-democratic sentiments. Is there to descend upon us this welter of cultists and dictators?

See, you people have got it all wrong. Happiness is not the loneliness at the top of the pile. True joy can be experienced only in communion with your lesser - I mean with your friends and equals.

I therefore exhort you to join my club. Activities include adoring all things green and beautiful, eating much chocolate and ice cream and taking cabs. Anything to do with skinfold tests and pH meters and walking and maths is discouraged.

Membership is free. There is no leader. Everyone is equal and enjoys exactly the same benefits. There is, however, an administration fee. Only nominal, of course, and necessary, as I'm sure you'll agree. Paltry. Just 2 billion. Weekly. And of course an administrator is required, just to make sure things run smoothly. I guess I wouldn't mind, since I'll get my reward when I observe your great joy.

Awaken from your power-hungry daze! True fulfilment lies in complete equality!

Love Su-Lin

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