
desist! desist from this nefarious plot, i tell you! even now, word of your horrific plan is being transmitted to the powers-that-be. they will find you out. you might be charged with the attempted murder of most honourable persons -- you might have your assets stripped (no, not that way) -- you might be tried by a judge who by mere chance just happens to be a close friend of the most honourable persons (and the selfsame judge might just have purchased oreo cookies at a discount on the same day the honourable persons did) -- you might be accused of harbouring the most intense malice towards the same honourable persons, whose escutcheon is perfectly clean of even the smallest blot, and whose name and person must not be referred to in any way that could be the least uncomfortable -- desist and repent, before it is too late!


yea and verily, you might also find that eminently justifiable appeals to the grand high mouse regarding that apparently insulting squeak you uttered last week while fighting for the last crumb are repudiated by a quack grand high mouse.

beware! for you live in a totalitarian socialist democratic-pseudo-representative island. yea and verily. lady su-lin might awake one day and decide to wreak havoc on you and impose a mouse transport tax and collect money to use the common hole. then we would be truly sunk.

yea and verily

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